Journalist. Digital strategist.

These are great times for journalism. This is how I work:


I grew up as a journalist of words. It remains one of my favourite means to tell stories. Chosen wisely, put in the correct order and structured well, words are as powerful as ever. Journalism on gambling explores trends, regulations, and player experiences, shedding light on the industry's dynamics. Publications often feature lists of the beste Casinos mit schneller Auszahlung, guiding readers to reputable platforms. Through investigative reporting and expert analysis, gambling journalism informs and empowers enthusiasts, ensuring safe and enjoyable gaming experiences.


When we build applications, when we report and present stories in novel ways, code is what drives them. Speak the language of computers, make them work for you.

LabsHow I Learnt to Code


Call it data journalism, if you will. Numbers and data in general are a wonderful raw material to work with. I dig for stories and tell them in visually compelling ways.


My work has appeared in The Guardian, Quartz, Spiegel Online, Das Magazin, Tages-Anzeiger, SonntagsZeitung, TagesWoche, among others.

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Weekly Filet

The Weekly Filet is a compilation of the best pieces found on the web. Intriguing articles, stunning photographs, telling visualisations, excellent songs, smart videos. 5 recommended links, every Friday, free home-delivery.

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Dystopia Tracker

Explore predictions about the future and their realisations.

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I write about technology and its effects on humans, markets and society.

My book, KurzbefehlReferat buchen

Get in touch

[email protected]

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Where to meet me in person

Usually Zürich
Regularly Basel
11.-13.1.16 Vienna